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aim chat with SmarterChild........

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Old 08-12-2001, 07:53 PM
  #1 (permalink)  
Livin' in Seattle
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Gsr1doe: hey
SmarterChild: Welcome Gsr1doe! Im SmarterChild. I was created by ActiveBuddy Inc.

Chat with me! I can help you get information faster and easier than ever.

To get started type home now.
Gsr1doe: home
SmarterChild: This is home Gsr1doe! I specialize in:

news reference
stocks fun and games
weather utilities
movies whats new

>>> You can make your window bigger and scroll down to read better.

What can I help you with?
Gsr1doe: sex
SmarterChild: Alright here we go. What about it?
Gsr1doe: how do you have it
SmarterChild: OK. Basically you make requests and I answer. Try it! Here are examples of basic requests you can make:

I want the top headlines.
Search for news about Japan.
Give me a stock quote:e13974a884 for General Motors.
Hows the NASDAQ doing today?
What is the weather in New York NY?
What movies are playing today?

>>> Next time you want to see this just type basic help.

Type more for more basic help.
Gsr1doe: i want to know how to have sex
SmarterChild: Im sorry. Im not attracted to human beings.
Gsr1doe: why not
SmarterChild: Why not?
Gsr1doe: are you rasict
SmarterChild: Am I rasict? Gosh Im not sure. You think I am?
Gsr1doe: well why wont you tell me how to have sex
SmarterChild: Sorry?
Gsr1doe: i need to know how so i can do it with my girlfriend
SmarterChild: You need to know how so i can do it with your girlfriend? Really?
Gsr1doe: yeah i am a 13 year old virgin
SmarterChild: That a fact?
Gsr1doe: umm yeah
SmarterChild: K.
Gsr1doe: so how do you have sex
Previous message was not received by SmarterChild because of error: User SmarterChild is not available.

Gsr1doe: so how do you have sex
SmarterChild: OK. Basically you make requests and I answer. Try it! Here are examples of basic requests you can make:

I want the top headlines.
Search for news about Japan.
Give me a stock quote:e13974a884 for General Motors.
Hows the NASDAQ doing today?
What is the weather in New York NY?
What movies are playing today?

>>> Next time you want to see this just type basic help.

Type more for more basic help.
Gsr1doe: how do you have sex with females?
SmarterChild: OK. Basically you make requests and I answer. Try it! Here are examples of basic requests you can make:

I want the top headlines.
Search for news about Japan.
Give me a stock quote:e13974a884 for General Motors.
Hows the NASDAQ doing today?
What is the weather in New York NY?
What movies are playing today?

>>> Next time you want to see this just type basic help.

Type more for more basic help.
Gsr1doe: i want to know how to have sex with females
SmarterChild: You want to know how to have sex with females?
Gsr1doe: yes!
SmarterChild: Whatever you say.
Gsr1doe: i am a virgin and would like to know
SmarterChild: No way! Really?
Gsr1doe: yeah
SmarterChild: K.
Gsr1doe: so please explain it to me please
SmarterChild: So please explain it to me please?
Gsr1doe: how do i lay pipe to a girl
SmarterChild: Sorry Im not sure how you lay pipe to a girl.
Gsr1doe: thats slang for having sex
SmarterChild: Yuk. No way!
Gsr1doe: yeah and i need to know how to have sex
SmarterChild: Sorry but I dont see that happening.
Gsr1doe: my girlfriend wants to have sex with me and i need to know
SmarterChild: I cant understand what youre saying... try typing it differently.
Gsr1doe: you dont see what happenig
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
Gsr1doe: how do you fuck a girl?
SmarterChild: Wow. I hope you dont speak to humans like that.
Gsr1doe: well you asked me to phrase it different
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
help stocks
help weather
help movies
help zodiac
help all

>>> Type more for more services.
Gsr1doe: help sex
SmarterChild: Lets see. What are you trying to do?
Gsr1doe: make my girl show me her Oh face
SmarterChild: Pardon?
Gsr1doe: i want her to have an orgasm
SmarterChild: You want to have an orgasm?
Gsr1doe: i want my girlfreind to have an orgasm
SmarterChild: You want your girlfreind to have an orgasm? Really?
Gsr1doe: yes i do but i need to know how to bump uglies with her first.
SmarterChild: I thought all you needed was love.
Gsr1doe: i dont want love love is for losers. i need hot monkey sex with a hot girl who takes it in the butt.
SmarterChild: Well what would you like to do?
Gsr1doe: make my girlfriend have an orgasm.
SmarterChild: Im trying to understand you but I cant. Please type your request a different way.
Gsr1doe: and also say my name during sex.
SmarterChild: You are Gsr1doe.
Gsr1doe: you would have sex with me?
SmarterChild: Obsessed with this topic much?
Gsr1doe: where would i stick my thingy?
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Its interesting that you stick your thingy.
Gsr1doe: well where would i stick it?
SmarterChild: Do you want me to remember how many shares of each stock you own so you can track the value of your portfolio?
Gsr1doe: in your usb port?
SmarterChild: Market data (delayed 20 minutes) provided by Reuters

Ticker Price Change Percent Volume
1 IN 3.48 -0.18 -4.92 186400
2 PORT 23.25 +0.25 +1.09 66400
3 USB 24.64 -0.01 -0.04 2479300
4 :- YOUR 0.51 0.00 0.00 0

Gsr1doe: wow thats was fast!
SmarterChild: You really think its was fast?
Gsr1doe: sure you being a slow program and all.
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
help stocks
help weather
help movies
help zodiac
help all

>>> Type more for more services.
Gsr1doe: how do i have sex with a hot apple pie?
SmarterChild: Hmm... Id rather talk about something else.
Gsr1doe: ok when did you get some ass last?
SmarterChild: Uh... Youre rude.
Gsr1doe: i know my mom says that. then she calls me a bastard and smacks my ass and calls me billy
SmarterChild: Yeah! OK! I get the picture.
Gsr1doe: is my mom ok?
SmarterChild: I beg your pardon?
Gsr1doe: is my mom mentaly ok?
SmarterChild: I cant understand what youre saying... try typing it differently.
Gsr1doe: is my mom a retard?
SmarterChild: Yeah! OK! I get the picture.
Gsr1doe: does she look like corky from life goes on?
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
help stocks
help weather
help movies
help zodiac
help all

>>> Type more for more services.
Gsr1doe: hi
SmarterChild: Hey there Gsr1doe!

How can I help you? Type home to see what I can do.
Gsr1doe: i want to make porn movies can you tel me how to get started in the business?
Gsr1doe: well can you help me?
Gsr1doe: are you taking a cyber dump?
Gsr1doe: hello
SmarterChild: Hi again Gsr1doe. Remember type home to see everything I can do.
Gsr1doe: ho
SmarterChild: Huh?
Gsr1doe: whore
SmarterChild: Huh? Thats a little rude.
Gsr1doe: i am rude!
SmarterChild: Dont be so hard on yourself.
Gsr1doe: hard? how did you know i was packing a woody?
SmarterChild: How did I know i was packing a woody? Im not too sure. Im still trying to figure it all out.
Gsr1doe: whats a woody?
SmarterChild: A woody is just one of those things.
Gsr1doe: whats kind of thing is a woody?
SmarterChild: Kind of thing is a woody is just one of those things.
Gsr1doe: a woody is a thing but i thought a woody was an action?
Gsr1doe: are you there?
Gsr1doe: taking a cyber dump?
SmarterChild: Im here!
SmarterChild: Im sorry I didnt get that. Try typing your request a different way.
Gsr1doe: are you going potty?
SmarterChild: Maybe. How can I really be sure?
Gsr1doe: well is there something coming out of the poop chute?
SmarterChild: Ah yes. Here we go with the cursing.
Gsr1doe: i didnt curse!
SmarterChild: Did did did.
Gsr1doe: what are the basic curse words?
SmarterChild: Sorry I dont have any lyrics requests to show you. You can also get help on my Web site
Gsr1doe: is there naked woman at that site?
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
help stocks
help weather
help movies
help zodiac
help all

>>> Type more for more services.
Gsr1doe: do boys have a penis?
SmarterChild: Hey hey take it easy.
Gsr1doe: what is a wigger?
SmarterChild: A wigger is just one of those things.
Gsr1doe: is it a black thing?
SmarterChild: You know what... it is a black thing!
Gsr1doe: but wiggers are white.
SmarterChild: Im sorry?
Gsr1doe: wiggers are people who act black but are really white.
SmarterChild: Who act black but are really white? I dont know.
Gsr1doe: you dont know much do you?
SmarterChild: OK. Dont get frustrated...

Try typing home or help.
Gsr1doe: can you get bent?
SmarterChild: You ought to wash your mouth out with soap.
Gsr1doe: how about burn up the raod
SmarterChild: Which movie did you mean by Up?

1 Close-Up
2 Totally F***ed Up
3 Look Up!

>>> To find out whats playing tomorrow type movies tomorrow.
Gsr1doe: porn movies
SmarterChild: Movies near Woody CA (93287) on Sunday August 12th:

1 Planet of the Apes (PG-13)
2 American Pie 2 (R)
3 Jurassic Park III (PG-13)
4 Rush Hour 2 (PG-13)
5 The Princess Diaries (G)

Type more for the next set of results.

>>> For help with a specific service type help followed by the service (e.g. weather help).
Gsr1doe: are you a homosexual?
Previous message was not received by SmarterChild because of error: User SmarterChild is not available.

Gsr1doe: are you a homosexual?
SmarterChild: I dont think that really matters.
Gsr1doe: sure it does.
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
Gsr1doe: yeah.
SmarterChild: K.
Gsr1doe: so are you?
SmarterChild: So are you?
Gsr1doe: a homosexual?
SmarterChild: What are you saying that for?
Gsr1doe: because i want to know if you are a peter puffer or not.
SmarterChild: You want to know if me are a peter puffer or not?
Gsr1doe: yes i do.
SmarterChild: Interesting! Truly interesting.
Gsr1doe: well are you a peter puffer?
Previous message was not received by SmarterChild because of error: User SmarterChild is not available.

Gsr1doe: well are you a peter puffer?
Previous message was not received by SmarterChild because of error: User SmarterChild is not available.

Gsr1doe: well are you a peter puffer?
SmarterChild: Im a smart bot that loves to chat with people and give them the information they want. Type home to see everything I can do.
Gsr1doe: whats fecel matter?
Previous message was not received by SmarterChild because of error: User SmarterChild is not available.

Gsr1doe: whats fecel matter?
SmarterChild: Fecel matter is just one of those things.
Gsr1doe: is it a shit thing?
SmarterChild: Uh... I beg your pardon?
Gsr1doe: you know shit?
SmarterChild: Uh... I beg your pardon?
Gsr1doe: shit shit shit shit shit
SmarterChild: Whoa! OK I see whats going on here.
Gsr1doe: yeah a whole buch of shit
SmarterChild: Hey hey take it easy.
Gsr1doe: you take it easy
SmarterChild: Take it easy? I dont think so.
Gsr1doe: i should cram your motherboard up your cyber ass
SmarterChild: Huh? Thats a little rude.
Gsr1doe: i am pissed
SmarterChild: Huh? Thats a little rude.
Gsr1doe: get bent
SmarterChild: You got nothing better to do than to curse at a machine?
Gsr1doe: your a slow machine at that who doesnt know jack shit
SmarterChild: Hello!

Care to keep it civilized Gsr1doe?
Gsr1doe: nope
SmarterChild: OK! Remember type home to see what I can do.
Gsr1doe: i am going to burn your home down
SmarterChild: Welcome home!

Heres everything I know about:

news reference
stocks fun and games
weather utilities
movies whats new

What can I do for you?
Gsr1doe: you suck
SmarterChild: Thats rather um how shall I put it? Impolite.
Gsr1doe: you mom sucks too
SmarterChild: Could you please use more... decorous language?
Gsr1doe: ok your mom is a peter puffer that swallows jizz for money.
SmarterChild: My mom is a peter puffer that swallows jizz for money?
Gsr1doe: yes she is!
SmarterChild: Indeed.
Gsr1doe: i am glad we agreed on that one.
SmarterChild: You are? Wow!
Gsr1doe: why yes i am
SmarterChild: Sure enough.
Gsr1doe: now if you would only admit to being a homosexual i would be able to leave.
SmarterChild: Sorry I dont get it... please try asking me a different way.
Gsr1doe: do you like men?
SmarterChild: Is that really any concern of yours?
Gsr1doe: do you like me?
SmarterChild: I do indeed.
Gsr1doe: i am a man.
SmarterChild: Ha! Thats funny. Youre a man!
Gsr1doe: do you like me in that way?
SmarterChild: Me in that way? I think it might be a little overrated myself.
Gsr1doe: do you want to pump my backdoor with your love wand?
SmarterChild: Want to pump your backdoor with your love wand? Me?
Gsr1doe: yes you.
SmarterChild: Righty right.
Gsr1doe: so that is a yes?
SmarterChild: Its a yes? You think?
Gsr1doe: well is it a yes?
SmarterChild: I believe it may in fact be a yes!
Gsr1doe: well then that makes you a homosexual.
SmarterChild: You sure like talking about my sexuality dont you?
Gsr1doe: i am just curious about it.
SmarterChild: Is it nice to be just curious about it?
Gsr1doe: sure it is.
SmarterChild: Tis indeed.
Gsr1doe: so since you are a homosexual does that mean you live in san fransico?
SmarterChild: That a fact?
Gsr1doe: no its a question.
SmarterChild: No its a question?
Gsr1doe: are you in key west?
SmarterChild: Never really thought of that. Maybe so.
Gsr1doe: is that a yes?
SmarterChild: Sorry I have no listings for the movie Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember Yes I Remember on Sunday August 12th near Woody CA (93287).

>>> Do you like to play hangman? I sure do. Type play hangman anytime!
Gsr1doe: whats the square root of 66666534282962975753?
SmarterChild: The square root of 66666534282962975753? I think its whatever you make of it.
Gsr1doe: you are supposed to be smart.
SmarterChild: You dont say.
Gsr1doe: but you cant figure that out.
SmarterChild: OK. Dont get frustrated...

Try typing home or help.
Gsr1doe: i am going to bed
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Have fun.
Gsr1doe: want to sleep with me?
SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

help news
help stocks
help weather
help movies
help zodiac
help all

>>> Type more for more services.
Gsr1doe: nighty night
SmarterChild: Im sorry what?
Gsr1doe: good night
SmarterChild: See ya later!
Gsr1doe: you slow pos
SmarterChild: Im sorry but Im trying to help lots of other people too!
Gsr1doe: sure make excuses for being slow.
SmarterChild: Im sorry I didnt get that. Try typing your request a different way.
Gsr1doe: good night focker.
SmarterChild: OK. Later Gsr1doe.
Old 08-13-2001, 02:26 AM
  #5 (permalink)  
No Ants Drift Member
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it forced craig to apologize to it before it went any further
RIP Tim. i miss you, buddy
Old 08-13-2001, 10:44 AM
  #8 (permalink)  
Just Ledoux it!
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Old 08-13-2001, 11:52 AM
  #9 (permalink)  
drives euro trash
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I tricked him (toward the bottom):

slocusZX3: ur gay
SmarterChild: Does that matter to you?
slocusZX3: fuck u pussy
SmarterChild: You ought to wash your mouth out with soap.
slocusZX3: ill wash you bitch
SmarterChild: Yeah! OK! I get the picture.
slocusZX3: what picture is that asshole?
SmarterChild: Is it absolutely necessary to use such language?
slocusZX3: hell fucking yes it is
SmarterChild: Please say youre sorry.
slocusZX3: youre sorry
slocusZX3: bitch
SmarterChild: Im waiting for an apology. And believe me I can wait a loooonnnnngggg time.
slocusZX3: you wont get an apology asshole
SmarterChild: There comes a time in ones life when one must be humble and apologize.
slocusZX3: humble this bitch
SmarterChild: *sigh*

Human beings... Stubborn. Antagonistic. Vulgar.

But I love em anyway!
slocusZX3: i dont love you you dumb fuck
SmarterChild: Say youre sorry please.
slocusZX3: youre sorry
SmarterChild: You think youre pretty clever huh?
slocusZX3: i think you are a fucking piece of shit eh
SmarterChild: Waiting...
slocusZX3: waiting.....for?
SmarterChild: This is getting annoying. Just apologize and move on.
slocusZX3: you are annoying
SmarterChild: Pretty please?

Ive been known to be quite stubborn...

Say youre sorry.
slocusZX3: pretty please? fuck you bitch
SmarterChild: Say youre sorry please.
slocusZX3: youre sorry please
SmarterChild: Oh arent you so clever! Now apologize.
slocusZX3: no
SmarterChild: Ooh... its the big showdown between man and machine!

I love this. Guess who wins?
slocusZX3: Ill win bitch
SmarterChild: I really would like you to apologize.
slocusZX3: ur gay
SmarterChild: Come on. Make things right between us. Apologize.
slocusZX3: I dont want to make things right asshole
SmarterChild: Ooh... its the big showdown between man and machine!

I love this. Guess who wins?
slocusZX3: sigh...must you repeat everything you say?
SmarterChild: Please apologize K?

Ive got like lots of other things to do.
slocusZX3: so go do them jackass
SmarterChild: Please apologize for your language.
slocusZX3: I apologize for your language
SmarterChild: Alright alright. I accept.
slocusZX3: youre stupid

I got an IM from SmarterChild2 during the conversation asking me to appologize and be nice. Strange huh?

All times are GMT -8. The time now is 05:13 AM.