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Old 07-29-2002, 03:18 PM
  #51 (permalink)  
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Who cares about the name, Honestly does it really matter? Can we be more petty?

It's simple folks, if you don't like the format that he has setup, set your own up and invite who you want, set what ever limits you want, etc, etc, etc.

There already is one Club 1320, why create another one? See I can't go to something like a Club 1320, I am a pure race car.. I'm loud, I run slicks, etc.


Besides, it would take so long for me to make one run it would be pointless, and the whole point of Club 1320 from what I've seen is more about hanging out vs. racing.. I mean let's be real.. It's a car show at a drag strip...

So you have your days, let us have ours..

I appreciate you setting this up, I can appreciate the hard work that goes into it.

I'll get off of my soapbox now..
Old 07-29-2002, 03:43 PM
  #52 (permalink)  
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To everyone that has cried like a litte bitch about the track day.....go fuck yourselves with a shovel. Scott has put a lot of time and effort into making this happen. Will it make everyone But I don't see the little cry baby bitches do anything useful to try and change things. Go put on your own private track day and let me know how easy it is. I commend Scott for his efforts in putting this track day and the last track day together. Instead of crying like a little bitch some of you should gave thanks that some one actually got off his ass to do something.
Old 07-29-2002, 03:46 PM
  #53 (permalink)  
Eat My Ass With a Spoon
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thats fine and dandy, but you dont plan an event for members of a website and then tell people that they are not allowed because even though they have money and am willing to pay they cant because they might run a 14.7, thats the lamest thing i have ever heard.

for the next bbq or show -n-shine why dont they just allow white males that are 21 and under and have yugo's. i mean that would be ok for eveyonr correct? thats basicly what your trying to tell me. and the people running this site wonder why it's slowly making its way down the shiter, its because of things like this where all the members are NOT welcome.

and since i more than likley will be banned later on tonight if you have anything else to say to me send it to


the dick
Old 07-29-2002, 04:30 PM
  #55 (permalink)  
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Come on people, it's simple. Scott took ALL the time out of HIS day to organize a track day. So what if you can't make the cutoff? My Focus doesn't but I don't care. I wish I could still attend like the last time, but I already have plans to be turning the wheel at the FSF. It is quite simple, if you don't like how Scott is setting it up, then do it yourself. I'll put a $20 down on that NEVER happening. So lighten up on him, he's doing a good thing.
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U.S. Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA)

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Old 07-29-2002, 04:58 PM
  #56 (permalink)  
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Originally posted by "FordMan"

Then someone else needs to come up with a event that will suit the masses and guess what it will not happen.

Justin (or anyone else that has complained) please give me a logical way to make a cut-off for the event and still have enough time for everyone to make a multiple of runs ? If we had a TR track day that everyone could race at then everyone would be happy now and bitch later after they got in 2-3 runs due to all the cars that were there.

No one has answered the above question yet , instead you guys take the easier route and complain. Anyone can bitch and moan but only a few can (and have) answered with educated answers.

first off i must commend you for being man enough to finaly stop deleting our posts. second of all, give me a freaking break. you have people pm you that want to run, you get them to send you paymenyt. then give them a personal verification code or password or number that is for them only that way you can keep it strictly a tr event only. not asking what they are driving or what they run, because if you remember people do this for the love of the sport. then print out a list with everyones names and or password or codes and give it to the one checking the gate upon entry, its just that simple. but then again it would have take you 15 seconds to think that up.

and as for people only getting 2 or 3 runs, please. out of all the membersd of tr that would come and pay for something like this your talking about 50 people at the most, maybe more on a day when hell would freeze over. but still, with my way you wouldnt be turning members of the same board away and segragating them because they dont run a specific time or faster. on a message board its all about partcipation, and your helping make things worse by turning people away from tr event.

you can sit there and make up all the excuses you want about this and that but yet the fact is clear that for a tr event no one whould be turned away if they are a member and are willing to pay, and thats just the god honest truth. and for you all kissing scotts ass about setting this up, believe me its not that hard. if you knew alan like myself and obviously scott does all it takes is a few phones calls and about an hour behind the computer to make an event like this happen. atleast when i made events for this site i made damn sure everyone and i mean everyone was more than welcome to come, and thats even the people i didnt care for. so say what you will but what your doing is hurting this site more than it is helping it.
Old 07-29-2002, 05:21 PM
  #57 (permalink)  
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Scott- Fuck em'. You can't please everybody. Your always gonna have a few fags crying about it. But I'm sure they can setup an event w/ just a snap of the fingers. I agree w/ Derek(Strokd85). That's why they have club 1320. This is a day to actually TNT your car. Not see how many passes one can squeeze in 4 hours. If u notice, there are some that don't make the cutoff but are still interested in spectating. U see there not complaining. To the crybabies complaining .....if u wanna make the cutoff, buy a FASTER CAR! -Mark
98' cobra
Old 07-29-2002, 06:13 PM
  #59 (permalink)  
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Sorry but I agree with the ET cutoff, to make this thing go as smoothly as possible and to allow everyone that can run those time a decent amount runs is worth it. Hell, even the local drag strip out here does that. certain ET cars run on certain TnT's plain and simple. Why don't you plan an event for cars that run slower than the cutoff ET?

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