b20 turbo, b20 vtec, or b20 n/a?
b20 turbo, b20 vtec, or b20 n/a?
what do u think i should do, swap h22, built b20a5 turbo, b20b vtec, or b20a5 n/a. what do u think is the best hp to $ ratio, whats the best low buget highest power option?
your wasting you time with that b20a5 and you can ONLY PUT a H22/23 in your car. ANOTHER b series WILL NOT FIT. you ALSO CANNOT SLEEVE YOU B20A5. get over it! turbo the stock engine, blow it up and buy a NEW car. :end rant:
A h22 would be nice as fuck in that car. Who makes mounts for the swap? Hasport?
"What shitty poorly fitted aero did you ziptie on today, after installing shitty knockoff parts that dont fit worth a damn, followed up by poorly fitted cheap heavy wheels with the wrong offset so they rub but you play it off as looking cool, and then post pics here today"