Mitsu tech/TBDSM project car?
It looks like we might have the start of something from these posts. I also got a pm on TBDSM about a possible place to work on the car- I'm going to call the fellow who pm'd me and talk to him about it tomorrow. In the mean time, we should start coming up with a game plan so we can know what kind of parts we will need. Start out with general ideas for what kind of setup we should go with and we'll work out specifics from there, maybe have a vote on it like the other forums did if there are enough people that a poll would make sense.
Originally Posted by FiLjAr4LiFe
Well why don't we make a date or time that we can meet up at a resturant chill and then like go to somebody's house and plan it all out, or just work on it at the resturant or somthing?
When I get back I'll post a few suggestions on a parts list and we can start to narrow down what all we have and what we need, and figure out what we want to do.
I'll see what I come up with over the next few weeks.