purple cervix smasher track car build
You washed my car once because you said you were bored as fuck, so I said wash my car.. and you did.
After leaving lots of compound and dirty spots I realized I should just do it myself
After leaving lots of compound and dirty spots I realized I should just do it myself
another random cellphone picture on cigarette break haha
Got the other brick to make my pair...so bricks will be on this weekend..
..need HIDS may just put them on for pictures because they suck for driving at night lol
And looking foward to A/C.. need to get with Asshole Garage.
10 points if you can identify this parking lot.
Tim should get it pretty quick
RIP Tim Aldrich
"..watch this cool documentary on bums racing shopping carts downhill, and making a living off of selling bottles. living the dream."
RIP Tim Aldrich
"..watch this cool documentary on bums racing shopping carts downhill, and making a living off of selling bottles. living the dream."
Last edited by 4wheeldriftS13; 05-21-2010 at 10:24 PM.
muffler is in my trunk, its a lot quieter it with it on but more restriction....havent put it on since CFRC. It'll be on for this weekends bbq