wtb ek coupe parts
wtb ek coupe parts
wtb the following ek parts
front speaker covers
and shifter/arm rest interior peice
front speaker covers
and shifter/arm rest interior peice
91 crx dx (with si swap).........sold
95 civic coupe ex......................traded
88 crx si..............................traded
92 civic hatch cx..................traded
94 del slow si.......................sold
88 crx hf.............................sold
90 crx si..............................traded
94 civic hatch dx(jdm d15b vtec).......traded
96 del sol s..............................sold
93 civic hatch dx......................current
91 crx dx (with si swap).........sold
95 civic coupe ex......................traded
88 crx si..............................traded
92 civic hatch cx..................traded
94 del slow si.......................sold
88 crx hf.............................sold
90 crx si..............................traded
94 civic hatch dx(jdm d15b vtec).......traded
96 del sol s..............................sold
93 civic hatch dx......................current