FS; 1990 GTUs, 1 of 100 verifiable, $1800
Originally Posted by johna
for real yall need to check what are u selling cause it's not worth what he's asking,i know he doesn't want to lose this car for low money but thats the way it is,and i to ''i wish i had a wack silvia'' when u learn better about rx7 u can write and don't be a suckup!!!!! sorryyy!
you aint got enough.
you can take the car as it sits for $1800 and ill keep the new motor, the transmission and wire harness. youll need to bring a flat-bed though cuz its not driving out of here for $1500... thats for damn sure.
you can take the car as it sits for $1800 and ill keep the new motor, the transmission and wire harness. youll need to bring a flat-bed though cuz its not driving out of here for $1500... thats for damn sure.
i actually did sell it, without the paint. i sold it w/ the "new" red fender on the driver's side and the primered bodywork on the rear passenger. i went to the Chick-fil-a car show on 50 one night, he walked right up and started asking questions; nice car, what model, year, what am i gonna do with it, what would i want if i sold it NOW. i said, i dunno, like $2200. he told me to come over to his house the next day. long story short, i got $2200. i got a fair price considering its lack of paint and finishing touches. ill get an S5 T2 next