T/W 24v VR6 6 speed swap.
If the car is repossesed, they will sell it at auction. You will still be responsible for the difference of what they get at auction (which may be nothing at all if it is just a chassis) and how much is owed.
whatever thats his problem. id buy it if i had the money. its not my ass being fucked by the insurance agency. glws buddy,i hope you dont get raped.(hypothetically)
Which peso (10 countries use pesos)??
Here is a breakdown of what you just offered:
1,000,000 Argentinian = 259,875.26 USD
1,000,000 Mexican = 74,953.3606 USD
1,000,000.00 Chilean = 1,808.318 USD
1,000,000.00 Columbian = 494.8046 USD
1,000,000.00 Domican = 27,739.25 USD
1,000,000.00 Philipines = 20,410.00 USD
Trky, pick Argentina!!!
Last edited by BisquitMan; 09-07-2009 at 01:16 PM.