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Old 03-19-2006, 07:00 PM
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Driven Concepts, Tampa FL
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There's always 2 sides to the story and a forum such as this only promotes complaints and shit talkers.

solsi2000 claims that the H22 into his Delsol is not currently running, well, he never mentioned that the car was PERFECTLY running and broke down after at least 3 weeks of driving. He and I were in agreement that I would charge him what I charged him to do the swap, plus THE COMPLETE SWAP that we are pulling out. He came back later down the road and asked to keep the chipped ECU, after I had already promised it to another customer. I have told him that I will try my best to get it back, but the original agreement was for his complete swap. Just remember, you owed us money that you neglected to pay and didn't pay back till you came back.

Zooby - In short, gave you a PERFECTLY running motorswap, you rode in the car and approved. Gave me a deposit, motor sat in the car for at least a couple of weeks, came back paid the rest, motor again sat for weeks, had us pull the motor, we delivered it FOR FREE to your house. You came back another 3 weeks later and lied to my face about the amount of money in which Keith quoted you. We agreed to do the swap and was told that you have a pefect condition shell with everything available. The car did NOT sit for 2 month at my shop, we did EVERYTHING we could and waited for you to supply parts. Also don't forget that the shell you brought that was suppose to be complete, didn't include some ac components, PS components, wiring was cut to bits, no mounts, wrong wiring harness, etc.

xrw02 - Not sure why you chimmed in. I am not sure what he was told, but when I got back to the shop, he was told up front that I am UNABLE to check for stock on the clutch because it was Sat. I told him that if it was in stock, I can have it at my shop the very same day. On his INVOICE and I will quote, "Will place clutch kit on order on Monday, call customer once clutch comes in." That was on his INVOICE that he signed for, I think it clearly states that we had to order it. The clutch was back ordered, his order was placed on the 27th of Feb and he picked the clutch up on the 7th of March, 8 days later.

Turbodude - might want to get the story staight. If you had left a deposit, you would be the rightful owner of the few 1jzs we have at the shop. We had a total of 2 1jzs the day that you came. One was picked up by Jap and the other was picked up by someone else. As for the person whom picked it up, he left the motor in a business that's almost directly in front of us because he couldn't transport it. As of right now it still sits there, so if you want proof, drop by and I will show you where the motor you wanted sits now. Don't get bitter about us selling the motor, we have people calling everyday and never buy anything and if we did business souly on someone's word, it wouldn't work.

tampasoriginalsilvia - it's funny how you had something to say about this. Don't have to go into all the people whom you have done wrong over the years. But, from the looks of it, you chimmed in because you wanted to get back at me because I told the truth to someone? The truth was told not to 'stab' you in the back, but to protect a person whom I consider as a friend. It's hard to see someone go through something and then have the potential to see them go through it again.

Angela - No much to say to you, I did you and Nate a favor. I have nothing against the both of you, but both of you also need to get it straight. Needless to say, none of you mention all the BS that happened when both of you broke up, the incident with Nate's mom prettending to be you, causing a butt load of problems, etc. I was at the shop till around 9pm on Sat and was unable to stop by. It's easy to claim that I sold you something and we had to pull it. Whether Nate wants to come forward or not, it was implied that I'd sell you the motor and as I told Nate when he was hired, I don't mind doing ANYONE favors that works at the shop, just as long as we don't lose money. What I am trying to get at is that it was implied that Nate needed to pull the motor, but that's neither here or there, the fact is that I didn't get a chance to come by and drop it off.

Importluv - just so you know, people are more proned to express their bad experiences then the good. I am not sure who you are, but you have everything completely wrong. We AT DRIVEN CONCEPTS, do NOT accept PAYMENT up front! We ONLY take minor deposits, and this is TRUE for EVERY swap we do. We are NOT a business that rotates money as you are trying to imply. I think, besides Racing Zone, we have the LARGEST stock out of all the major shops around the bay area. I don't see any other shops that have 10+ motorswaps in inventory at once. I am not sure why you are so involved in seeing my company fail. But before you wish the bad on someone, you might want to come and speak to the people that you talk bad about time in and time out.

For those that wonder. My business is here to stay. We have PLENTY of happy customers that swear by our work. We hear the same share of complaints about ALL MAJOR businesses, even the smaller businesses too. When we hear what they have to say, it's always taken with a grain of salt. We are here to help the customers, but when the customer starts to cause us to lose money due to their own doing, we are not here to clean up that mess. I don't expect these threads to be locked, I also agree that people needs to see what businesses are good and what are bad. In this case, we don't seem to be doing so good. Me, being the person on the otherside, ALWAYS take into consideration what others has to say. If anything on the previous thread was true and I know that it's true, I will do my best to change what's wrong.

For those that wonder. YES, I did own a business that went under in the past and was able to come out on top. I took care off what I needed to and tried to learn from my mistakes. A lot of people whom had something to say, well, that's just them, people whom were NEVER involved, but want to be the internet hard ass, before even knowing the whole truth. If everyone lives their lives the way these people do, what would this world come too. For those that don't even know us, you are MORE THEN WELCOME to stop by. If we are what these people claim we are, I think it will show and amplify in person. I am confident to say that we actually do care about the customer and do try to provide those with the best service possible. Due to different circumstances, we are not able to make everyone happy, I do have to say that I try, but at times it's not enough.

For those that hate us, not sure about us, or just simply don't know us, we are not a FLY BY business, we open ON TIME, not when we feel like it, we are at the SHOP everyday at least a couple of hours after we close. We get VERY overwhelmed with calls EVERYDAY and for those that have tried to call us, I can assure you, that there's ALWAYS people at the shop, especially during business hours, and that we appologize if we are unable to speak with you. But for those that wonder, all these people that have complainted, they have the same rights as everyone, our doors are open. Take care of the problems in person, especially for those that don't even know what I look like, but still insists to add their .02.
Driven Concepts, LLC
1101A East Hillsborough Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33604
Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm

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