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holly shit..this did get shot like wow

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Old 05-17-2006, 02:49 AM
  #51 (permalink)  
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the most the cops could get him on was flashing a weapon and posession of a weapon w/o permit. no need to ace him in the back. he wasn't having a shoot-out, he was leaving. i agree he was in the wrong for swinging a gun around(fake or real), but he didn't need to be killed. basically you're saying, the only way out the cops had was to kill him? weird.
If someone is pointing and waiving a gun at you... And you were a cop, would you not shoot first in order to protect yourself and others?

The fact that he is even pointing a "gun" at someone, especially a officer, is enough reason to kill him.
Old 05-17-2006, 02:53 AM
  #52 (permalink)  
feels good to be gangsta
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Originally Posted by phillupmacrevis
im a dumb shit....FUCK YOU ASSFUCK....

cant any of you fucks on here despute something without being fucking assholes about it......

he turns, swings the gun around once......the cops fucking follow him for 10- more feet or so and just light him up......

i hope you one day get the justice this guy did.....since you agree with it....the black dude never fired the gun.....

nuff said...he never shot, since when do police shoot first and its ok...let alone 6 times or so in the fucking back....

oh fuck you again for being a cock!
Ohhh man.

I am sorry, but I agree with him.. You really have go grasp of the laws concerning officers. They DO NOT have to wait for you to fire your gun.

Hell, all you need is to have is a weaon such as a knife..Charge a cop or wave it at him, he will try and take you down first (Like they did by following him) and if that doesnt work, they will shoot you. Period.
Old 05-17-2006, 04:42 AM
  #53 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Decoy_TT
Ohhh man.

I am sorry, but I agree with him.. You really have go grasp of the laws concerning officers. They DO NOT have to wait for you to fire your gun.

Hell, all you need is to have is a weaon such as a knife..Charge a cop or wave it at him, he will try and take you down first (Like they did by following him) and if that doesnt work, they will shoot you. Period.
First, Decoy, I agree with everything you are saying. Thank gawd for an intelligent person in this thread...and secondly...

Hell, people with concealed weapon permits don't have to wait until a person fires a weapon. AND...a woman can feel her life is threated by a man with NO weapon. IOW, all that is required is the threat of death or great bodily harm.

You can also use deadly force to stop a felony in progress.

I would imagine Cops have those same liberties.
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Old 05-17-2006, 07:58 PM
  #54 (permalink)  
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guys if you're so gung-ho into knowing the law read into the sherrifs website about gun controll and crimes. it willl explain the 10-20-life thing to you, then you'll go "huh?,....i didn't know thats how it was?". morally, yes, you prolly would want to ace the dude before dude got you. BUT, morals aren't laws, and if you say cops are dicks when they pull you over and give you a ticket for your loud exhaust, how big of dicks are they when they kill someone w/o following their laws? did anyone read the article in the paper about the "thugs in tampa scaring the elderly"? they even said it in there that they overstep and understep drawn lines of law because of a morality conflict. they admitted to it. if dude was really threatening others with the peice, take him in. if he attempted to kill some innocent person, take him down by anymeans necessary. i didn't see anyone in the vid besides him and the police.
Old 05-17-2006, 10:35 PM
  #55 (permalink)  
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if he didn't act like a stupid fuck hard ass and would of just dropped the gun he would be alive today. he was begging them to kill him.

if the cops have there guns drawn on you. you do that the fuck they say to do. i think they waited way too long before they shot him. they should of shot him as soon as they saw he had a gun.
Old 05-17-2006, 10:56 PM
  #56 (permalink)  
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and that guy can easily sew. espesialy since he is black and cops whernt
the guy wasnt black...
know the law, pull a gun-10 years, shoot it at someone-20yrs, kill somone- life. not pull a gun-you die.
If you are threatening the cops at point blank with what looks to be a gun and resisting then they can shoot you in fear of well..their own lives?
It was good while it lasted. But, it was better in death.
Old 05-19-2006, 10:32 AM
  #57 (permalink)  
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Yeah you all need to read up my dad was a cop and detective of 5 years and in any way if you indanger a cop in any way the have ther right to shoot to kill know your damn facts
No matter what im always hauling ass BOOTY BOX FTW
Old 05-19-2006, 12:43 PM
  #58 (permalink)  
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all right the laws the the sherrifs got on there site are not accurate..there used to be a lil green book that u could get that would tell u all of the florida laws..believe it or not alot of sherrifs dont know all the laws and alot contradict one and other,,but there still up as laws so there for its like a back door to get away with certian stuff.

most people also dont know if u shot some one u do not have to give a statement for 24 hours..
u can be 18 and buy a hand gun...yes its true i got my glock when i was 18 and pid knights cash for it.

most people and even cops when they pull there guns out and shot the first rd.its 80% that u or they will not hit what they are aiming at because of u being scared,adrainalin(sp) and movement.the second shot is like 25% i for one if i'm about to shoot some one i'm double taping..witch is illegal but then again u just say i got scared and so on..
Old 05-19-2006, 01:06 PM
  #59 (permalink)  
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Before i moved here from NY i saw this on the news.. Im pretty sure it happened near my house there.

1) the guy died
2) his parents are suing
3) That actually wasnt a gun he pulled, it was a snicker bar if im not mistaken. No joke i dont remember Exactly what it was but it wasnt a gun.
4) The kid did nothing wrong, it was a mistaken identity.. the cops thought he was a rapist or something but he wasnt.
5) I dont remember the exact number but the cops shot him a rediculous amount of time in the back and the back of the head. Something like 13
Originally Posted by FRANKY
Anybody here carry a knife as well? I figure there's no reason not to be able to cut a bitch.
Originally Posted by Joe
Replace the Death Penalty with some Saw II type environment, and I'll vote for it..
Old 05-19-2006, 01:56 PM
  #60 (permalink)  
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just like i stated in my other post..fucking pigs are the worestless piece of shiett..alotta of them are a butch of pussy fucker..i would luv to see a fucking pigs challenge me in a no glove boxing match without them shooting me...
fack yall sideline hater!!

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